More pictures
Another washitsu, with a low rise table, futon, and the balcony/porch-thing. |
Giff from "Irashai" |
Starts with an extra mattress Naruto wouldn't have, then the actual futon (sheets on), & a blanket. |
A made futon. The makura has a pillow case on it. It's a lot smaller than western pillows. |
Fancy butsudan with offerings up and everything, and a view of the room it's set in. |
When you aren't using the butsudan, you close the doors. |
Another picture of a closed butsudan. |
A simpler, more modern shrine that my host parents had in their house. Essentials, not as ornate. |
Examples of what you put inside of the butsudan. Incence holder, gongs, candles, and other stuff. |
More ornate version of picture above. Essentially the same thing. |
Back to footnotes, Chp. 2.
All pictures on this page, except for my host family's shrine, are from the following sites... if the owners
want them down, ask, and I will do so immediately.
Four Gates, 22 July 2004. <http://www.fourgates.com/default.asp>
Fukui Views. 22 July 2004.<http://www.weston.org/schools/hs/sci/hphy/korsunsky/japan/fukui.htm>
Irashai. 22 July 2004. <http://www.imtc.gatech.edu/vrjapan/0/032/032h01/032h01.htm>
Japan Picture Gallery. 22 July 2004. <http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~japanese/japanpicturegallery/ lesson21/lesson21.html>
Japanzimmer.de 22 July 2004 <http://www.japanzimmer.de/>
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